Breathing Cleaner:

How Electric School Buses are Reducing Pollution, Creating Jobs, and Improving Our Kids' Health

ZETA hosted a webinar in May 2024 highlighting the benefits of electric school buses, providing an update on the rollout, and discussing how they are helping the American economy.

Presentation from:

  • Sue Gander, Director of the Electric School Bus Initiative, World Resources Institute

Panelists included:

  • Nate Baguio, Senior VP of Commercial Development, Lion Electric
  • Harold Wimmer, President and CEO, American Lung Association
  • Carolina Chacon Mendoza, Coalition Manager, Alliance for Electric School Buses
  • Ken Martinez, Transportation Manager, Salt Lake City School District
  • Moderator: Albert Gore, Executive Director, ZETA
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About ZETA

National policies to support the electric vehicle supply chain.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for the advancement of the electric vehicle supply chain. ZETA is committed to enacting policies that drive EV adoption, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and maintain American EV manufacturing dominance in global markets.