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national electric drive week

It's simple: No tailpipe emissions.

Transitioning to electric vehicles will save thousands of lives and offer robust health benefits for all Americans.
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Tailpipe emissions pose significant health risks to most Americans, and disproportionately harm communities of color.

They can cause health issues like asthma attacks, impaired lung function, and even premature death. Transitioning to zero transportation emissions by 2050 would avoid $72 billion in health costs, protect health compromised members of society, and combat climate change.

By supporting EV-friendly policies, you can help Americans breathe easy in a cleaner, better future.

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ZETA Insights

Mass Adoption of Electric Vehicles Will Significantly Decrease Air Pollution Across the United States

Recent legislation from Congress will support the growth of electric vehicles, but there is still more we can do.

Map: EV Investments Across the U.S.

This map compiles ZETA research to illustrate EV investments across the country. These private investments are creating tens of thousands of good-paying auto jobs that will reinvigorate communities, generating thousands of additional indirect jobs. And these investments aren’t the only financial benefits that will derive from electrifying the transportation sector: because of the climate and public health benefits of transportation electrification, achieving 100% EV sales by 2030 and a cleaner grid will prevent $1.3 trillion in health and environmental costs in the coming decades.

Source: ZETA Research; Last Updated: August 8, 2022.
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We are a first-of-its-kind coalition committed to cleaner transportation.

About ZETA

National policies to support 100% electric vehicle sales.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for 100% EV sales. Enacting policies that drive EV adoption will create hundreds of thousands of jobs, secure American global EV manufacturing dominance, drastically improve public health, and significantly reduce carbon pollution.