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Zero Emission Transportation Association Commends Governors’ Bipartisan Efforts to Electrify the Transportation Sector

April 21, 2021

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This morning, a bipartisan group of 12 U.S. Governors called for a rapid transition to a zero-emission transportation sector by way of President Biden’s American Jobs Plan. The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) has expressed strong approval for the EV incentives in the American Jobs Plan and views the governors’ call for a rapid transition to an electrified transportation sector as an indicator of public willingness to enact this shift.

“This morning’s announcement signals much welcomed support for a zero-emission transportation sector from across the country,” said Executive Director Joe Britton. “Time and again, we have witnessed strong approval for electric vehicles, both among the public and legislators at all levels. Americans across the country recognize the potential for EVs to reinvigorate the U.S. auto industry while reinvesting in their communities.”

The American Jobs Plan calls for significant investments in zero emission transportation infrastructure over the course of the next decade. ZETA was pleased to see that the Plan’s proposals are in line with the organization’s own policy recommendations. As part of their proposal, the organization suggested an investment in public EV charging infrastructure, distributed directly to state, local, and Tribal authorities. This will equip states like the ones highlighted today with the tools to spearhead the move to electrified transport – and execute this shift on their own time.

Publishing this statement in advance of Earth Day attests to the importance of addressing transportation in order to advance environmental health. This sector is the largest source of domestic greenhouse gas emissions, but the scope of this issue offers a multitude of opportunities to make progress. It is also a critical opportunity to demonstrate leadership on climate change while showcasing American innovation.

“We already have the ability to accelerate transportation electrification today, but it comes down to whether we have the will to make the investments necessary to outcompete foreign competitors” says Britton. “Public opinion suggests a clear mandate for action. With federal support, we can ensure that this shift occurs swiftly and equitably.”

Policy Platform

Learn about our six-part strategy for electrification.

About ZETA

National policies to support the electric vehicle supply chain.

The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) is a federal coalition focused on advocating for the advancement of the electric vehicle supply chain. ZETA is committed to enacting policies that drive EV adoption, create hundreds of thousands of jobs, and maintain American EV manufacturing dominance in global markets.